Contact Us

Trust telephone number:

The Trust’s business office is based at Chartham Primary School.  The CEO and CFO are available on mobiles, please contact Chartham if you need to specifically contact one of these officers.

If you need to contact a specific school, please go to ‘Our Academies’ and click the logo to go to the school’s own website and find their contact number.

Trust contact email address:

Trust postal correspondence address:

Inspira Academy Trust

c/o Chartham Primary School

Shalmsford Street





Chair of Trustees email address:

The Chair of Trustees Richard Hover who can be contacted using the email address

Registered office address:

Chartham Primary School, Shalmsford Street, Chartham, Canterbury, Kent


Inspira Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 13188733.

Request for Paper Copies

Please contact the Trust Office if you would like paper copies of any information published on our website.